Guest Blog by V Group: Learning to Thrive in a Signcentric Society

V Group Helps San Diego Small Businesses Get Noticed

Imagine a world without signs. The favorite corner coffee shop would remain a mystery. That delicious neighborhood deli would never be discovered. The unique boutique tucked away in a foreign city among a sea of retailers would be lost forever. The savory brew sampled from a new local pub would lay in obscurity. No one would know where to stop to fill up the gas tank on a long road trip or where to grab that juicy Big Mac, without outside signage.

Ron Morabito, CEO and founder of V Group, a San Diego-based visual marketing solutions company, can’t fathom this kind of cryptic society, where retailers remain anonymous, because he produces business signs for a living, as well as trade-show displays, printing, and promotional products.

“Signage is essential to a small business as it is the first point of contact a company has with a potential customer. Whether you are a retailer, restaurant, service provider, or anyone dealing with the public, signage is one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business over the long term,” says Mr. Morabito.

V Group, founded in 2007, has grown to become one of the most respected and relied upon signage companies in San Diego. With a diverse client base, including sports teams, restaurants and casinos, V Group offers unique product combinations to both small and large businesses.

Jeff Bolitho, general manager of Aztec Sports Properties, has worked with V Group for three years to create signage, from small counter top signs to large stadium banners for the San Diego State University Aztecs.

“We often need a quick turnaround on signage needs when working with our sponsors, but we also demand quality. V Group provides both services, and we love them for it,” says Mr. Bolitho.

For small businesses to prosper in a continually highly competitive retail environment, it is imperative to use signage, a timeless and staple medium that alerts consumers, ‘WE ARE HERE,’ says Mr. Morabito. Businesses can communicate their physical presence to customers immediately and economically with on-premise signage. And if a retailer’s physical presence is prominent, customers will enter the store out of need, want, product loyalty, or maybe even simple curiosity.

Signs are multi-purpose marketing vehicles that can be used to promote a number of functions, including: consumer impulse shopping, brand awareness, advertising reinforcement, purchasing persuasion, or physical building markers.

Today’s consumers are active and on-the-go with little time and short attention spans.

With new distractions like mobile advertising, it’s even more important to reach potential customers directly with visible signage, including an attractive logo or trademark and clear, bold text that grabs the passing public within 2 to 3 seconds. The goal is for customers to respond to and react to signage and lure them into a small business, or at the very least, commit that business into their memory for a future visit or word of mouth advertising.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s marketing series article, SIGNS: Showcasing Your Business on The Street, “…on-premise signs can mean the difference between business success or failure. In the modern market-place, the right place-based advertising will effectively and economically permit the local shopkeeper to successfully complete, even with the mass merchandiser or larger retailer.”

Make signage a permanent part of a comprehensive small business strategy. Signage is a universal language and permanent advertising device that is less expensive and more sustainable than other forms of media messaging, such as print, TV or radio. If signage is readable and noticeable, pedestrian foot traffic and profits are sure to follow.

About the Blogger:
For more information on what V Group can do for your organization, or to schedule and interview with V Group CEO, Ron Morabito contact V Group at (619) 307- 6342 or at


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