Bop Design Releases White Paper on Holistic Marketing Approach – Discussing Logo Design, Website Design, SEO, Social Media Marketing & Email Marketing

Bop Design, a San Diego website design and marketing agency, has released a white paper discussing the holistic approach every small business needs to adopt in order to generate and nurture more ideal customer leads. The white paper is titled “Marketing 101: Marketing for Maximum Success, What every Small Business Owner needs to know about building an online presence.” The agency created the white paper because there has been an influx of questions from the small business community regarding web marketing tactics and how they all work together to achieve results. Bop Design Business Principal, Jeremy Durant, comments, “We have been receiving numerous requests a day from prospective clients for website design or social media marketing or email marketing, but we always ask about the overall marketing objective. An integrated marketing strategy with each tactic complementing the other is needed for a firm’s plan to be successful.”

The white paper starts with foundational marketing components such as a firm’s ideal customer profile and unique value proposition. From there, they discuss the importance of logo and website design. Lastly, they touch upon marketing outreach tactics like social media marketing, email marketing and SEO. The white paper can be downloaded at


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