ElevATE Semiconductor makes semiconductors and integrated circuits for test equipment. They recently became an independent company, spinning off from Intersil. The ElevATE team needed help transitioning from Intersil’s brand to a brand of their own.
Because ElevATE was previously part of another company, they didn’t have their own website. They needed a website to help establish themselves as credible, trustworthy company. Since current customers could be confused when their high-end orders are switched to a “new” supplier, it was important to highlight ElevATE’s capabilities.
Bop Design created a professional, conservative design that appeals to engineers. The Product section was given special attention, since it is the most important part of the website. It contains a technical overview of each semiconductor ElevATE creates. Because ElevATE requires interested parties to sign an NDA before receiving full access to their product descriptions, Bop made it easy for visitors to fill out a form to reach out to ElevATE for more information. The overall result is a polished website that highlights ElevATE’s expertise and experience.