New Website Launch: The 200% Company

You’ve probably heard about giving 110% percent. But what about 200%? That’s where our most recent website launch comes in. The 200% Company is a professional sales growth firm, specializing in reinvigorating sales by analyzing business organization, management, sales techniques, internal obstacles and untapped opportunities.

The 200% Company approached Bop Design with a website lacking in brand recognition and credibility. The firm recently underwent major modifications, changing the name and business model of the company. Bop Design created a contemporary website that effectively explained the unique new business models of The 200% Company. An entire website content overhaul was completed, implementing new copy that could clearly define the value of The 200% Company and how they work with a business regardless of size, industry or stage of development.

Under “How We Do It,” the website clearly explains package options for clients based on available time, resources and needs. On each package page there are clear calls to action, such as to download a white paper describing The 200% Company’s unique growth approach or to download a free chapter of The 200% Company book.

Website design was kept simple and incorporated the existing assets such as the logo and book cover. The new website homepage immediately introduces the brand and their unique value proposition, promising that hiring The 200% Company will build clients’ “dream companies.” With a target market of owners, CEOs, board members and investors, it was important for the new website to quickly draw the audience in to understand how the consultation process unfolds.

Finally, case studies and client testimonials further enforces the success to The 200% Company’s business model—showing businesses from a variety of sizes, industries and struggles thrive.

The website is now live at To talk to Bop Design about your website needs, contact us today.


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