No One ever Wants to Feel Like They’re Being Sold To…

When a person is a described as “such a salesperson,” I never consider this a compliment. In the sales process, no one wants to feel like they’re being sold to. Rather, a prospect wants to feel like they are being helped and being recommended the optimal sales solution. The following are ways to ensure that your prospects never feel like they are being sold to…

Honestly Try to Help

If you want to be a successful salesperson, you can’t think of commissions, sales quotas, etc. Instead you need to listen and truly understand the prospect’s current challenges, objectives, etc. By truly understanding their situation, a prospect will feel valued and it is more likely that your proposed solution will be well received because you listened.

Objective Advice

Not every prospect will fit your ideal client profile. Many prospects will have requirements that you don’t have a solution for. It’s better to be upfront and tell the prospect you are not the best fit—even though you may be losing business. Prospects appreciate salespeople who don’t have an agenda and are being honest about what they’re product or service can actually do. In the long-term, this will always serve you well. In the B2B world where the sales process is less transactional and more of a long-term partnership, you will always be remembered as a credible thought leader who is looking out for a prospect’s best interest. Your objective advice will win and lose some deals but in the long run, it will help you build a sustainable brand.


Be your prospect’s advocate and supply them with helpful resources that will make their buying decision easier. This is where content marketing comes in. With B2B sales, the process is typically longer with more decision makers involved. Develop content that addresses all prospect concerns and priorities. B2B content marketing helps you control the conversation. For example, supplying a buying guide created by your firm will help dictate the topics being discussed by the prospect with your firm and your competition—setting you up for success in winning the sale.


Overall, it’s all about authenticity. If you help the right clients by recommending the right solutions, you will be a successful salesperson. Because you were authentic, clients will refer you and there will be continuous upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Being authentic will ensure that your clients never view you as a salesperson but as someone really trying to help solve their problems.


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