Does Your Website Stink?

Once the seed is planted, it’s hard to shake. Someone whispers it to you in a meeting and then you can’t stop thinking about it. “Our website does stink.”

You start to stare at it constantly looking at how many things you could change. The navigation is clunky, the images are outdated, it doesn’t even talk about your newest product or service, it doesn’t communicate your company’s brand, and it’s impossible to update without a detailed explanation and four meetings with the IT Manager.

You mention it to your boss or the owner. Your boss says that it might be in the budget this year but you have to prove it’s necessary and the value it will add.

How do you prove that your firm’s B2B website needs a redesign? Isn’t it obvious? The truth is that even B2B websites that look ok may be in need of a redesign.

Your B2B web design says a lot about your firm, so here is a quick-reference guide to evaluate whether your current website stinks and needs a redesign.

How to Evaluate Your Current Website

In order to objectively determine whether your current website needs a redesign, honestly answer these questions below.

1. Is the Design Outdated?

Are the visuals current?

Is the website responsive or mobile-friendly?

Can your website be viewed on all the main web browsers?

Do the colors of the design match your current branding and messaging?

You may hate the design, but that doesn’t always mean that it’s outdated. In order to take an objective view of your website and provide actionable insight to your senior management team, ask the above questions to determine if it is outdated. Also, check out 8 Things That Make Your Website Feel Old for more points of evaluation.

2. How Is the Functionality?

Can you easily update the website?

Does the website load quickly or does it take a few, painful seconds?

Is it easy to find information on the website if you are a first-time user?

Can content pieces be easily downloaded?

Is it easy for clients to locate your contact information and get in touch with you?

Functionality is one of the main drivers for a website redesign. Whether you are a B2C or B2B firm, customer service and the customer experience should be at the top of your firm’s priority list. If the functionality of your B2B web design is poor and current and potential clients can’t find what they need, they will assume that will be their overall experience with your firm.

3. Is the Content Accurate?

Are your firm’s products and services pages correct?

Is the information about your company outdated or old?

Does your website feature current pictures and videos?

Has your company posted a blog in the last six months?

Does your website have old pricing and brochures on the website?

If you or your sales team is constantly telling customers not to look at the pricing or services on the website – it’s time to update or redesign your B2B website. In a digital world, your clients and prospects expect to have current, accurate information at their fingertips. If you aren’t sharing the latest information on your blog – your prospects will think you are falling behind the times.

4. Can Prospects Find Your Website Online?

Do prospects say, “you have a website?”?

Do your web traffic metrics looks sad?

Is your website buried on page five of Google?

Do you competitors dominate the first page of Google?

When a client searches for your firm online, do they only find your Facebook and Twitter pages?

Did you know that the average B2B buyer is 57% through the purchase decision before engaging a supplier sales rep? Almost 60% of their decision is made before they even talk to your awesome sales team. You have likely heard that search engine optimization (SEO) is important. The main reason why it’s so important is so that your company can be found online by prospects. If they can’t find you online, but they can find a competitor, your competitor has a better chance of acquiring that client.

Need to make the case to upper management? Check out The Only B2B Marketing Stats You Care About.

5. Are You Getting Leads from Your Website?

Do potential clients fill out forms on the website?

Do prospects mention the website?

Are users visiting more than one page on your website?

Do people view and comment on your blog posts?

When properly designed and developed, a B2B website is a great lead generation tool – especially for inbound marketing. A properly designed website not only attracts visitors to your website, it also engages the visitors and gets them to complete an action (fill out a form, call for an appointment, download a case study, etc.). If your website is only an online brochure that doesn’t drive any leads – it’s definitely time to consider a website redesign.

We’d like to hear how you determined it was time for a website redesign. Let us know what was the driving force behind your website redesign.

If you need a comprehensive checklist to determine what to include in your new website, check out the Complete B2B Website Design Checklist.


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