Tips to Promote Thought Leadership Content On & Off a B2B Website

As an expert in your industry or market, you have a wealth of information to share with clients, prospects, peers, vendors, and partners. If you are a proponent of content marketing, you’ve likely drafted articles and posted them to the blog section of your company’s B2B website design. And then what?

In this post, we share tips on how you can promote your existing thought leadership content, both on and off your website.

Share on Social Media

Once you’ve posted your thought leadership content on your firm’s B2B website, you must share it on your company’s social media and your personal social media.

  • By posting the article on your company’s social channels, you have the potential* to get that content in front of all your company’s followers. *Note that not every follower will see the content you post. However, if your content is engaging and followers interact with it, it increases the audience reach.
  • When you post the article or share it from your company’s social channels, to your personal followers, you extend the potential audience who will see the content to include your connections.

Boost possible engagement with the content by including mentions of companies or individuals who are included in or authored the post (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram all allow this).

Additionally, use relevant hashtags in the posts to take part in the wider conversation regarding that hashtag. Always be sure to check the hashtag you are using to make sure it’s relevant and does not relate to a topic you would not want to associate your content with.

For more tips, check out How to Use Hashtags on the Hubspot Blog.

Send Out Newsletters

Sharing your thought leadership content with your email list is an excellent way to boost engagement with your content and educate your subscribers. If you are creating several articles or posts every month, send your newsletter monthly. If you are creating only one post a month, send it bi-monthly or quarterly.

If you’ve gone through the process of building up your email list over the years to include prospects, clients, and partners, the engagement with your content should be great.

We advise against purchasing lists for monthly newsletters. Most of those included in a purchased list aren’t prepared for your newsletter and likely will unsubscribe immediately or report your emails as spam (which can affect your credibility with email servers).

Read more: How to evaluate what is working in your content marketing.

Pay to Promote on Social Media

Another avenue for promoting your thought leadership content is via paid social media campaigns. Paid social campaigns for website content are a great way for marketers to boost traffic and increase brand awareness.

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all have easy-to-use platforms that enable marketers to target certain sets of audiences. For example, on LinkedIn, you can target individuals with a certain job title, in a particular industry, working at a company of a certain size. Even if your company has a sizable following on social media, paid social promotions allow you to get in front of a new audience, especially if you have clear buyer personas.

Add It to Your Email Signature

When you are a particular piece of thought leadership that is a real “rockstar,” aka something with broad appeal or that gets a great response from prospects – add a link to it in your email signature. Only do this with one piece of content at a time. When the content is particularly compelling, adding it to your email signature can boost the number of quality visits to your B2B website, even if it doesn’t create a significant boost in the quantity of traffic.

Link to It from Other Blog Posts

This seems fairly straightforward but is often overlooked. You don’t want to include 15 links in every single post, but you do want to include links to content that is related or relevant to the topic. For example, if we share a post on what to include in your B2B website design, we may want to link to another post on how to prepare for a B2B website project. The reader may naturally be curious about the other topic if they are interested in the first topic.

Don’t hesitate to go back to an older blog that would benefit from a link to a recent thought leadership piece if you think it adds value. Don’t add links just to add links.

Have excellent thought leadership ideas but don’t have the time to write, post and promote your content? Contact us today to chat with our B2B content marketing experts.

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