Best Practices for Live Chat on a B2B Website

Want to know how to utilize a live chat feature on your website to increase your company’s revenue?

Chatting with prospects on your B2B website who looking for information is a great way to get the most from your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. You can close more deals maximizing the ROI of your website and chatting with prospects before they leave to go to a competitor’s site. I’ve been using LiveChat, a website chat tool, for a few years now, so I tapped our design team to create an infographic of best practices.

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A chat tool makes it easy to connect with anyone who lands on your B2B website with questions. There are both mobile and desktop apps, so you can answer a chat anytime you have the app open. I have my app open in the background of my laptop while working so I can be notified when a chat is initiated by a visitor. I get both a visual banner as well as an audio notification when a chat is initiated. The notification includes the name of the visitor, as well as how long they have been waiting on the chat. Time is of the essence, so I make sure to respond immediately, whether with an automated initial message or an answer to their inquiry.

We have clients located in Spain, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Tel Aviv so having a way to communicate with website visitors 24/7 is essential for generating new business. We want to make it as easy as possible for our website visitors to reach out and a live chat tool captures the prospect’s contact info after hours so you can reach out the next business day. I receive a New Ticket email when a prospect initiates a chat after hours and reply first thing in the morning to any lead that reached out.

Read more: Using interactive web design to engage with prospects.

I am the expert, so it is important to be as specific as possible when answering questions. Fortunately, I can see what the visitor is typing before they send the message. Not only that, but I can see what pages they looked at and for how long. This insight helps me anticipate which solution will solve their problem before they even hit send. My solution needs to address their specific issue, so it is critical to have a knowledgeable team member accepting chats.  Demonstrating your ability to be solutions orientated will position you as an industry expert.

Read more: Bridging the gap between sales and marketing.

I often check in with the LiveChat interface to see if any returning visitors are back on our website throughout my workday. Acknowledging how many times the returning visitor has been on your website is a great way to initiate a chat. You can start the chat with a personal message along these lines:

“I see someone from your organization has visited our site over a dozen times. Is there a particular B2B marketing issue you are trying to resolve or research? I am happy to help.”

Now the visitor knows you are a real-life human problem solver and not a chatbot in a remote, distant location.

Have clearly defend goals for utilizing LiveChat or any chat feature. The number one goal for me is scheduling a call with our business development team. I utilize LiveChat to prequalify the visitor to ensure our solutions meet their B2B marketing needs. I also utilize the chat feature to ensure they have a qualifying budget as well as a reasonable timeline for project completion.

The potential ROI of LiveChat can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. Enduring and navigating the current business climate is challenging and we are here to help your business adapt and flourish.

Contact us today with any B2B marketing or web design questions.

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