Leadership Series: How to Make Better Decisions, Faster

The decisions you make largely dictate your success in life. If you struggle with indecisiveness, avoid making big decisions, or would like to make better decisions quicker, this post is for you.

Delaying or struggling to make decisions wastes time. Time is your most precious asset. The most successful people understand this and spend their time wisely. The following decision framework should help you make better decisions quicker.

Understand your goals and objectives

Before making any decision, take a moment to get clear about your goals and objectives. If you don’t know what you want, it will be increasingly difficult to make clear-headed decisions.

Brainstorm your options

Once you know your goals and objectives, take some time to outline your options. You can do this yourself, do research, or reach out to someone you trust. Make a list of pros and cons (realize what you have control over and what you don’t have control over.)

Realize the opportunity cost of not making a decision

If you don’t decide, you have a 0% shot of meeting your goal. You lose control over your time and dreams by not making a decision or letting others decide for you. By not making a decision, you are making a decision not to make progress.

Ask yourself what would happen if you made the wrong decision

Being worried about making the wrong decision often prevents people from making a decision.  The truth is most decisions are subjective – they are not objectively good or bad. The only mistake you can make is not deciding at all.

Banish the perfection mindset

Being worried about making the wrong decision often prevents people from making a decision. The truth is most decisions are subjective – they are not objectively good or bad. The only mistake you can make is not deciding at all. 

Don’t overthink it & take one step at a time

There is no point in overthinking when it comes to inconsequential decisions because the outcome is negligible. When it comes to more consequential decisions, try breaking them up into smaller decisions to make the process feel less overwhelming. By doing this, you can quickly adjust your path if you feel like the results are not aligning with your objectives.

Bonus Tips:

  • Sometimes the best decisions can be uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good decisions. Life starts outside the comfort zone.
  • Don’t spend too much time anticipating hypothetical situations. Make decisions based on reality.
  • Give yourself a timeline to decide.
  • Being decisive is a skill you can develop and hone – start small and get comfortable with it.
  • When making big decisions/taking risk – ask yourself if you’ll regret not trying when you look back on your life.
  • When stressed, think about the worst-case scenario for making the wrong decision (you’ll realize that it’s not likely to happen or that it’s not really that bad).

Read more: How to run an effective meeting.

Read more: How to handle difficult conversations.

Read more: How to delegate and provide feedback effectively.

Check out the Bop Blog for other tips from our team.

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