B2B Marketing Strategies that Convert

B2B marketing strategies that create conversions

Do you keep staring at your conversion analytics, hoping and praying to see an uptick, but in reality, it appears to have flatlined for good? Ugh. We know how frustrating it is to see that horizontal line day after day, even though you’re pouring time and resources into your B2B marketing efforts.

The thing is, what worked yesterday might not work today. This is a sign it’s time to revive your strategy and inject life back into your campaigns with B2B marketing tactics that have proven to convert. Let’s have a look at some key strategies to get those analytics trending upward.

Optimize your B2B website

Let’s talk about your website. If it’s not optimized for user experience (UX) and SEO, it’s like having a shop with no signage or departments. No one’s coming in, and if they do, they’re confused and leaving fast. Your website should convert visitors into leads – but it must be optimized to do so.

Here’s what an optimized B2B website looks like:

  • Uses keywords that speak your buyer’s language. If your buyers are searching for “enterprise cloud solutions” but your site talks about “next-gen scalable IT infrastructure,” you’re missing the mark when it comes to SEO. Use the actual words your audience is typing into search engines to attract them to your website.
  • Has an intuitive, engaging UX. Your B2B website should be easy to navigate, with clear paths to information. People should quickly find what they came for: what you do, who it’s for, and how they can benefit.
  • Incorporates clear, bold CTAs. Calls-to-action (CTAs) are your conversion tools. Make them clear, easy to find, and spread across the site. Don’t make people guess their next step. Show them exactly how to get in touch with you, learn more, or get a demo or consultation.

Create helpful resources for your target audience

As they say, you’ve gotta give a little to get a little. Giving your target buyers free, helpful resources like case studies, white papers, guides, videos, and infographics is key to winning them over. Assets like these provide valuable information, build trust, and help educate potential buyers about your product or service.

Whether it’s a deep dive into a customer success story or a quick how-to guide, offering a range of content types ensures you’re addressing different needs at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Plus, these resources show off your expertise and keep your audience coming back for more.

Remember, the B2B sales cycle is long, so creating regular content like this is essential to nurture existing leads and build a stronger case to convert them into customers.

Blog regularly to educate and inform

Along those lines of playing the long game, you want to create thought leadership content on a regular basis to keep your audience – whether prospective or existing customers – engaged. Blogging on trends or important industry topics highlights your thought leadership and positions you as a trusted source for information.

Now you may be saying, “But… blogs aren’t for conversion!” Hang on, stay with me here. While a prospect might not convert directly on the blog post, your audience will remember all the insightful information you’ve given them when it’s time to buy, and you’ll have an edge over the competition.

What’s more, when you incorporate keywords into your blogging strategy, you can attract new leads that you can impress and engage on your freshly optimized B2B website.

Send monthly newsletters to stay top-of-mind

Newsletters are often overlooked as a conversion strategy, but they’re a hidden gem when done right. If you’ve got a good mix of prospects, clients, and partners on your list, newsletters keep you top-of-mind while delivering valuable info.

Include links to the blogs and resources you’ve created, always focusing on providing value to your audience. It’s also a great way to cross-sell new solutions to current customers and assure them they’ve got a trusted partnership with you.

Your newsletter also serves as a great nurturing tool. Case in point: One of our clients landed an $80K project from someone who’d been on their e-mail list for six years! This goes to show, you never know who’s paying attention.

Create paid ad campaigns for every buying stage

Paid search ads should be used as a companion to your other marketing efforts – you don’t want to run paid ads in isolation. After all, once the visitor comes to your B2B website, they need to find something of value there.

When creating your ads, think about every stage of the marketing funnel. For bottom-of-the-funnel buyers, focus on keywords that indicate they have buying intent. For example, the keyphrase “HR consulting services” suggests that the searcher is actively looking for a company that provides these types of services. This type of strategy may lead to faster conversions.

However, don’t neglect the power of top- or middle-of-the-funnel strategies. You can use paid search ads to promote a report or e-book to attract buyers who are in a research-gathering phase and may be ready to buy in the near future. Then once they’re in your lead database, you need to – you guessed it – nurture them with helpful content delivered in your monthly newsletter.

If your conversion analytics have hit a plateau, it’s not too late to revive them. Breathe new life into your campaigns with these key strategies to spark interest and engagement that pave the way to conversions.

Need help developing or executing these B2B marketing strategies? Get in touch and we’ll position your brand for a renaissance.


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