Organic Traffic
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Bounce Rate
*Comparing 1 month after site launch to year prior (2/22/18 – 3/22/18 vs. 2/22/17 – 3/22/17)
No one would look at the old Silvus Technologies website and think “innovative.” That was a huge problem. Silvus’ MIMO radio technology was on the bleeding edge of wireless communications and the company was leading their industry in R&D, so the website needed to reflect their focus on innovation. Enter Bop Design.
Silvus Technologies partnered with Bop Design to ensure that their new website was consistent with their cutting-edge technology. The end result better showcases the company as technology-driven and forward thinking, appealing to decision makers in military, government funded research, law enforcement, and TV broadcasting. The website also acts as an educational resource center on MN-MIMO topics.
Not only did the quantity of website visitors increase dramatically, the quality did too. The website increased quality conversions from prospective customers with higher budgets that were interested in longer-term partnerships. Mission accomplished!

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