Teikoku Pharma

B2B website for global pharmaceutical company

Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma Homepage screenshot of Teikoku Pharma




Average Engagement Time Per Session


Key Events


Organic Engagement Rate




New Users

Date Range: 2/1/2024 – 5/31/2024 compared to 10/3/2023 – 1/31/2024

The Challenge

The B2B website for Teikoku Pharma, a global pharmaceutical company focused on pain management, had an old, lackluster design that no longer reflected their prestigious status in the industry. The content was not only outdated, but lacked current information about the new, innovative products their team was developing. The Teikoku marketing team turned to Bop Design to overhaul their website with an updated B2B web design and refreshed messaging. The main goal was to reposition the company for broader industry appeal.

The Solution

The first step was to modernize the B2B website design, giving it a much-needed upgrade that included a clean, professional look and feel. We incorporated video elements to enhance engagement and added a dynamic, interactive graphic to highlight the product pipeline. Our copywriters streamlined and clarified the messaging to position Teikoku Pharma as well-rounded, flexible, and proactive. Additionally, we highlighted their past successes, such as the best-selling Lidoderm patch, to underscore their industry leadership.


The modernized B2B web design and updated content delivered excellent results. In the weeks following the launch, we saw sessions increase by 13%, while both total users and new users grew by 27% and 29%, respectively. Best of all, the average engagement time per session soared by 144%, indicating that users were enjoying a positive experience on the site. Key events saw a significant boost of 31% while organic engagement rate improved by 11%. With these numbers increasing all around, we can confidently say Teikoku Pharma’s online presence was dramatically elevated, showcasing their global status and capabilities to a broader, more engaged audience.


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