Jessie is Bop’s resident SEO whiz. Jessie leads the SEO strategy for Bop Design clients—helping client websites rank more prominently for targeted keyword phrases. She leads both on-page and off-page SEO initiatives. For on-page SEO, we ask B2B clients to provide a wish list of keyword phrases they would like to rank for. Jessie leads the keyword analysis process—providing a report on how many times a keyword is searched and the competition for this keyword. She then advises the copywriting team on keyword integration. Keyword integration ensures that the target keyword phrase is used enough in the website copy.
Based on Jessie’s advisement, the Bop Design inbound marketing team implements a content marketing strategy to help build backlinks to a client’s website. The combination of on-page and off-page SEO helps transform a client website into a viable lead generation tool and new client gateway.
Jessie’s Latest Blog Posts

Does Fresh Content Affect Google Rankings & SEO?

Tips to Maintain Your SEO During a B2B Website Redesign

Why You Want More Organic Search Traffic to Your B2B Website

SEO for B2B Marketing: Beyond the Basics

Blogging with SEO in Mind

How to Develop a Killer Online Marketing Survey

No-Fear Blogging Tips for B2B Websites

LinkedIn’s Sponsored Stories Will Be A Good Option For Marketers

Simple Marketing ROI Tactics

Marketing Lessons You Can Take Away from the Obama Victory

Business to Business (B2B) Holiday Marketing

Small Business Facebook Advertising Tips

What is SEO and Why is it Important?

Video Advertising For Your Small Business

The Ins and Outs of Google Webmaster Tools & How It Can Help Your Website (Part 2)

The Ins and Outs of Google Webmaster Tools & How It Can Help Your Website (Part I)

Is Meta Tag Information Still Relevant for SEO?

Increase Your Landing Page Conversions

6 Tips To Optimize Your Website For Local Searches

5 Tips For Maximizing SEO with Images and Photos

Steps To Maximize Your Company On LinkedIn

Identify & Promote Your Differences

Website: Testing, Testing and more Testing

Take The Guesswork Out Of Web Design

Steps to Increasing the ROI on Your PPC Advertising

Communicating With Your Followers

Don’t Let Negative Reviews Get You Down

Tips to Overcoming “Blogger’s Block”

Keyword Research – The First Step To Increasing SEO